Technological Experimental Research for Cross Wedge Rolling Technology of Pin Valve of Oil Pump 油泵油嘴针阀体楔横轧工艺试验研究
Followed up with the pin through the plug between the measured resistance of the solenoid valve so as to check the parameters. 随后的工作就是通过插头针脚间的阻值测量,对各电磁阀参数做定性检查。
In order to solving the problems of the poor stability of spring relief valve working under high pressure and the poor fatigue resistance of pin and membrane relief valve, an one-off gasket like relief valve is designed. 针对弹簧式安全阀高压工作时开闭可靠性差,而销钉、膜片式安全阀不耐疲劳状况,设计出密封圈式一次动作安全阀。
The developed drill pipe valve used in gas drilling is made up of nipple, cushion, sealing parts, valve seat, pin bearing, cylindrical torsion spring and valve plate. 气体钻井过程中,常规的配套工具无法满足工艺要求,为此而研制的气体钻井用钻杆阀由钻杆阀短节、缓冲垫、密封部件、阀座、销轴、圆柱扭簧和阀板等组成。
Technological experimental research for cross wedge rolling technology of pin valve of oil pump has been introduced with problems and relevant solutions during the process. 介绍了油泵油嘴针阀体的楔横轧工艺试验,以及在试验中遇到的问题及解决方法。
In addition, we suggest some new concepts and consider the effect of the shape of pin valve and pressure chamber on the atomization of a jet. 此外,笔者提出了若干新的概念和考虑了针阀和压力室形状对射流雾化的影响。
The terminological behavior of high carbon chromium molybdenum steel used for guide pin of delivery valve in aeroengine, as well as the production, constitution and microstructure of hard phases in this material has been studied. 以航用高碳高铬钼合金钢(Cr18Mo16V)为研究对象,研究了该材质的摩擦摩损特性,并研究了其硬质相的产生、组成和相成分。
Experimental study for atomization of a jet spray through a sprayer with a pin valve 通过针阀喷管喷射的射流雾化的实验研究
Component parts with bore such as pin valve, internal thread, oil pipe take up a large proportion in the oil industry, chemical industry and modern manufacturing industry. 孔类零件如针阀体、内螺纹、油管等在石油、化工和现代制造业中占有相当大的比重。
Component parts with micro internal bore such as pin valve take up the very large proportion in the modern manufacturing industry. 微内孔类零件比如针阀体等在现代制造业中占有很大的比例。